April 16th 2016
Mount Kisco Rotary helps raise funds for the Mount Kisco Little League:

Several Rotarians came out on this beautiful Saturday afternoon in April. It was opening day for Little League, which means the Mount Kisco Rotary is also around to help kick off the baseball season.
For many years the Mount Kisco Rotary Club has come out to Leonard Park to help raise funds for this local baseball organization.
It's a great community day in Mount Kisco and the village looks forward to this day each year.
The Rotary Club gives back by selling hamburgers, hotdogs, beverages and snacks. All of the proceeds raised goes towards supporting the Mount Kisco Little League Organization.
Should you want to get more involved with the Rotary Club please email our president Bruce Desmond - desmondb@servproofnorthernwestchestercounty.com